Gurun peuting Kasino Review

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$ 15000 Bonus

software: microgamingnetentplaytech

Aktip saprak: 2006
rojongan: [email protected]
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Review of Gurun peuting kasino

Desert Nights mangrupikeun kasino ramah AS anu dipiboga sareng dioperasikeun ku grup Deckmedia NV padet, anu ngagaduhan reputasi anu saé pikeun ngajalankeun. casinos kayaning Sloto'Cash, Rajana Club, sarta Spartan liang . kasino asalna dibuka kalawan software rival, lajeng 2012 ieu relaunched ngagunakeun software RTG kalawan software rival masih ngajalankeun pikeun pamaén aya. Teruskeun gancang ka 2014, sarta Deckmedia geus mutuskeun hiji rebrand sisi RTG tina kasino ka Uptown Aces, sarta kami geus balik kalawan gurun peuting keur Rival-hijina kasino . Bisa jadi matak ngabingungkeun, tapi geus transisi ieu ngarah ka hiji oasis hiburan, atawa éta punters hadé kaluar nalika hal anu digabungkeun?

Parangkat lunak sareng Games

Powered by Rival Gaming, Desert Nights definitely is a little bit different from what most of our American friends see when they spot an RTG casino. Players looking to get in on the action will want to make sure that they download the casino’s software, as some of the titles available aren’t provided on the casino’s instant play site. Installation and registration is a breeze, taking only a minute or two to get completely set. Once you are set up, you will find that there are dozens of video slots, table games, video poker, and specialty games available for play.

Slots are pretty colorful at Desert Nights, but you won’t find high-end licensed games like you would from a Microgaming, Playtech, or Net Entertainment. The games are very comparable to RTG slots, and there are some real gems out there for you to try out. Some of the better Rival slot machines include Scary Rich with its potentially massive bonus round, Hole in Won which is a golf themed slot with a true skill-based mini-golf bonus game, and Spartan Warrior which can award 100 free spins with a 3x multiplier if you are very lucky. In addition to this, there are the Rival-exclusive i-Slots which are games with interactive storylines that unfold as you play.

There are some potential 6-figure progressive jackpot titles on offer at Desert Nights, with the casino offering big prizes on One Million Reels BC, Major Moolah, Money Magic, and Strike Gold. You can see the current values at the bottom of this page courtesy of our jackpot tracker. A definite advantage that this casino has over its competition is that unlike most Rival casinos, Desert Nights will pay you the full amount of the jackpot in one lump sum if you win, rather than a multi-year monthly payment plan.

Table games are also available at Desert Nights, with the casino offering Blackjack, Three Card Poker, Roulette, Craps, Sic-Bo, and more. Table limits are generally low, and there are also some variations that can throw a welcome wrinkle or two to a Vegas classic.

Perbankan sarta Rojongan Palanggan

casinos milik Deckmedia umumna ogé dijalankeun dina tungtung deui hal, ngajadikeun Gurun Peuting tempat stabil pikeun pamaén deposit na mundur dana tina. Salaku urang terang, casinos ramah-AS diwatesan lamun datang ka pilihan pamayaran, sarta gurun peuting aya iwal. Bentuk deposit anu ditampi ayeuna kalebet kartu kiridit sareng debit sareng e-dompet, sareng pamaén AS diwatesan utamina pikeun pilihan plastik.

Pamaén tiasa nyuhunkeun Transfer Bank, EcoCard, Neteller, atanapi ditarikna Skrill, sareng cek kertas. Ieu kudu dicatet yén Gurun Peuting pisan ajakan lamun datang ka ngalakonan operasi perbankan maranéhna, sakumaha deposit anu diatur langsung, sarta payouts diprosés dina 2-3 poé gawé, sanajan pamaén Amérika requesting cek kedah nyangka antosan nepi ka saminggu. saméméh datang dina leungeun maranéhna. Ieu mangrupikeun pigura waktos anu terhormat, sanaos tempat anu paling gancang di industri. Tapi kami jarang ngadéngé saha waé anu ngagaduhan masalah anu sah sareng Deckmedia mayar winnings.

Hiji hal anu kuring kuciwa nyaéta wates ditarikna mingguan leutik. Gurun Peuting ayeuna ngawatesan withdrawals ka $2000 per minggu, winnings jackpot kutang kaasup sakumaha disebutkeun di luhur. Bari ieu bisa jadi teu paduli paling jalma anu maén dina patok low, maranéhanana anjeun anu resep wager jumlah badag bakal disarankan pikeun néangan hiji kasino kalawan wates luhur.

layanan palanggan pisan pangaweruh dina nanganan sagala masalah poténsi atanapi patarosan anu punters mungkin gaduh, sarta sadia 24/7. Agén siaga pikeun ngabantosan via pesen instan, email, telepon, sareng fax.


Desert Nights is one of the best of the admittedly mediocre bunch of Rival casinos. The software runs smoothly, the games are colorful and inventive, and the casino accepts American players. While we wish there was a higher weekly withdrawal limit, there really isn’t much else for us to complain about with this casino.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”PLAY NOW!” style=”flat” color=”juicy-pink” align=”center” css_animation=”top-to-bottom” link=”||target:%20_blank” button_block=”true”][/vc_column][/vc_row]